On BlazeTV, Wayne Allyn Root brags he's not “banned by Amazon” even though his “book is about the COVID vaccine being dangerous and deadly”
Root: “I sneak it in. So, I think I did it in a way that, you know, nobody will say, oh, let's censor the book, because it doesn't look like it's about the COVID vaccine, but it is”
From the March 10, 2023, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show
STEVE DEACE (HOST): Which one of your books would Pfizer and Moderna land in?
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT (GUEST): Pfizer -- you know, here's the interesting thing. When I wrote this book, I didn't want to get banned by Amazon or anyone else so I kind of hid my real beliefs inside the book. It sounds like it's just a boycott book, great patriotic companies, but about half the book are my opinions of what's happening in America and then the other half, the other half of the book, the back half are all the companies with a full page on each company, the products they sell, and why I rated them as conservative.
But the first half of the book, Steve, is what I believe is happening to America. A communist takeover of the United States. Not socialist, not progressive, communist takeover, and I tell you why. Rigged elections and I tell you why. I absolutely believe in every cell in my body -- and I'm a pretty smart guy. I'm no dummy and I don't wear antennas on my head -- I'm telling you, elections are being stolen, not just the 2020 election. Kari Lake was just stolen. I think that Adam Laxalt in Nevada for U.S. Senate was just stolen. There's a lot of stolen elections. Our country's rigged.
And then I've got an entire third of the book about the COVID vaccine and how dangerous and deadly it is and the lies and propaganda that have been told to fool you. This book is about the COVID vaccine being dangerous and deadly, but you don't know it until you open the book. I sneak it in. So, I think I did it in a way that, you know, nobody will say, oh, let's censor the book, because it doesn't look like it's about the COVID vaccine, but it is.