Update (9/23/22): Following this report, Stuckey reposted the article several times on social media. On Instagram, Stuckey described Path of Life as “an AMAZING organization” and asked her followers to consider donating to the pro-conversion therapy group and linked to its website. On Twitter, Stuckey declared that Path of Life is “truly incredible” and again asked her followers to donate money.
BlazeTV’s anti-LGBTQ podcast host Allie Beth Stuckey recently partnered with the anti-abortion, pro-conversion therapy organization Path of Life for a speaking engagement.
According to its website, “Path of Life is a relationship resource center that exists to offer Christ-centered hope and resources for sexual health and relational wholeness.” The organization appears to be a crisis pregnancy center that pushes anti-abortion tactics through the guise of offering clinical medical assistance.
Path of Life also offers what appears to be anti-LGBTQ conversion therapy, listing “free and confidential mentoring and support to those struggling with gender identity and/or same sex attraction” on its website. Conversion therapy is the practice of attempting to suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through various methods including prayer or talk therapy. The repudiated and long denounced practice has been associated with “severe psychological distress,” suicide, and self-harm.
Path of Life’s page for “Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction & Gender Identity” claims that “mind and behaviors can be transformed and healing can be found” through its services for those who are “bound to a life of hopelessness, guilt and shame.” Additionally, Path of Life has posted multiple podcast episodes with Joe Dallas, an ex-gay, pro-conversion therapy figure whose goal is to help “people reclaim God’s created intent for their sexuality.”
Path of Life has also posted various pictures of Stuckey to promote its events on Instagram, including an image of Stuckey speaking on its stage:
During the September 19 edition of her Relatable podcast, Stuckey described Path of Life as a “wonderful, brilliant organization filled with so many godly people” who are “some of the clearest thinkers.”