O'Reilly predicted Oscar win for Gore, ridiculed his “Béla Lugosi” haircut

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On the January 24 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, during a discussion of former Vice President Al Gore and his film An Inconvenient Truth, which was nominated for an Academy Award for best documentary, host Bill O'Reilly called the film “fine” and said that Gore “does a good job ... provoking the conversation” about global warming. He then compared Gore's appearance to "Dracula," claiming Gore has a "Béla Lugosi haircut" and needs only “the cape and say, 'The children of the evening.' ” O'Reilly added: “He's going to win this year for An Inconvenient Truth and he's going to win -- next year will be The Return of Dracula.”

Fox News contributor Dennis Miller joined in, saying: “The thing about Al Gore is he's a bad emissary for the global warming issue for me because I've always thought of him as such an inauthentic man.” Miller added, “I think I translate some of that feeling to the cause.”

From the January 24 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

O'REILLY: Yes, and the movie is fine.

MILLER: The thing about Al Gore is he's a bad emissary for that global warming issue for me because I've always thought of him as such an inauthentic man. I think I translate some of that feeling to the cause. Like -- can this cause be as legit as he makes it out to be?

O'REILLY: No, he believes it, and I think he does a good job, as Jeanne Wolf said, provoking the conversation. I want -- can we put that video we just had up? Because I want to point out something that Miller will really understand here.

He's got the Béla Lugosi haircut going on now. Did you notice that? It's slicked back -- all he needs is the cape and say, “The children of the evening.” There it is, the moon [bottom left-hand corner]. There it is.

Look, he's going to win this year for An Inconvenient Truth and he's going to win -- next year will be The Return of Dracula.

MILLER: He might win the Oscar, but I'm telling you, I have trouble taking escalating temperature estimates from a guy that I've already deemed to be a sweat act.

O'REILLY: Miller. So you've insulted -- no, I'm not even going to bother. I'm not going to do it. All right. I'll give you the last word tonight, Miller.