O'Reilly: “I'm not so sure [Beck's and Limbaugh's] scorched-earth strategy aimed at the President is good for the country”

From ABCNews.com's excerpt of Bill O'Reilly's new book, Pinheads and Patriots: [emphasis added]

MY COLLEAGUE GLENN BECK thinks that the forty-fourth President of the United States is a subversive, a man bent on changing America into some kind of socialistic nanny state that might, God help us, actually resemble France. Beck passionately believes that Barack Obama is a danger to everything Beck values. So Glenn has moved aggressively to challenge the President by using his daily radio and television programs to illustrate the radical stuff he believes is being promoted by the Obama administration.

Rush Limbaugh and many other conservative radio commentators believe pretty much the same thing: that the President is a force for pernicious change, a committed socialist in a two-thousanddollarsuit.

These guys pound President Obama into pudding just about every day, and millions of Americans are spooning up the dessert.

But I'm not so sure this scorched-earth strategy aimed at the President is good for the country. I favor a more surgical approach.

Yes, Mr. Obama can be a Pinhead, as we will illustrate, but all Presidents, as I stated, can be assigned a place in that category from time to time. Exactly what Barack Obama's big-picture vision is remains to be seen. It is entirely possible he doesn't even have a bigpicture scenario. It seems to me that the President is certainly a committed left-wing guy who thrives on power and attention, but I don't see him as Karl Marx reincarnated.

I could be wrong.