Fox News host Bill O'Reilly condemned “the ACLU and the judges who side with them” as “terror allies.” He was responding to the American Civil Liberties Union's (ACLU) Freedom of Information Act request that the Army release to the public additional pictures and videos that document abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. On June 2, a federal judge ordered the government to prepare the photos and videos for release to the ACLU by June 30; on July 22, the government filed a sealed motion to prevent the release of many of those images. O'Reilly also claimed that the pictures “help the terrorists, as do Geneva Convention protections and civilian lawyers.”
From the July 25 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:
O'REILLY: The ACLU is also demanding that more pictures of the abuse at Abu Ghraib be released. The Defense Department is fighting that. Everybody knows those pictures incite violence against Americans. So why should more of them be fed to the press? We already know what happened at Abu Ghraib, and people are going to prison because of it. Clearly, more pictures of Abu Ghraib help the terrorists, as do Geneva Convention protections and civilian lawyers. So there is no question the ACLU and the judges who side with them are terror allies.