Ben Shapiro says Martians who visit Earth would be opposed to same-sex marriage
Shapiro: “You could be a visitor from Mars and you could see that all of human procreation relies on man, woman, child”
From the November 16, 2022, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): The thing that's really amazing to me is that it is now, apparently, the law of the land and societal rule that the only rationale that you could possibly have for saying that a marriage is between a man and a woman is because you're a Christian, or a Jew, or a Muslim. That's really the only reason at all. That the only reason – we'll allow you to have these crazy beliefs so long as you can show that they're crazy beliefs. So long as you can show that the reason you believe a marriage is between a man and a woman is because you read it in a book, and because you really believe the book – they keep saying sincere religious belief. I don't even know how you measure sincere religious belief. Are we going to, like, now monitor how often you go to church, or to synagogue, or whether you keep kosher, or whether you take communion in order to determine your sincere –
I mean, the same media that declares that Nancy Pelosi is a sincere religious believer who's just for the mass abortion of unborn children, will then declare that you, Matt Walsh, are not actively in favor of the things that you're in favor of, you're just a religious bigot. You're a bigot, right? And your religion is a cover for your bigotry.
I'm highly annoyed by the constant derogation of non-religious arguments into religious arguments. This is what the left loves to do. They like to say you're pro-life, the reason you're pro-life is because of your crazy religion. And so, maybe we can respect your crazy religion along -- that is not the argument for marriage.
The argument for marriage has literally nothing to do with religion. You could be a visitor from Mars and you could see that all of human procreation relies on man, woman, child. This is not particularly difficult stuff.