Ben Shapiro: “If there is a racial bias broadly speaking on a cultural level right now, it mostly applies to what we would call white people”

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Citation From the February 23, 2023, edition of The Ben Shapiro Show

BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): There is something weird about a society that is supposedly so racist and so terrible, where you're not seeing a lot of Black Americans attempting to look white or pass, right? That is a vestige of America's horrifying racial past, in which in order to live a normal life. And by a normal life, I mean, sort of the standard American opportunistic life, very often, you would have Black people who would attempt to pass for white. Right? That -- that was a symptom of a broken racial culture in the United States.


That is a status symbol in America now. If you present yourself as a queer, Muslim, multi-ethnic woman, that is a good way to get a job now, which suggests that America isn't quite that racist.

In fact, it sort of suggests that if there is a racial bias broadly speaking on a cultural level right now, it mostly applies to what we would call white people. There is a huge cultural bias against white people in hiring. And if you're a company, you're looking to hire, you're looking for diversity. And if you're looking for diversity, that means non-white people, for example. And so, predictably, that incentivizes people to masquerade as non-white.