Ben Shapiro defends Gov. Ron DeSantis' new Florida curriculum on slavery
Shapiro: “Nothing that Ron DeSantis has passed in the state of Florida, signed into law in the state of Florida, bars the teaching of American history. On the contrary, it preserves the teaching of American history”
From the July 26, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Ben Shapiro Show
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): They're such gaslighting liars. They're such liars. They're liars. Okay, all of this gets taught in Florida schools. Nothing that Ron DeSantis has passed in the state of Florida, signed into law in the state of Florida, bars the teaching of American history. On the contrary, it preserves the teaching of American history by preventing the inculcation of lies into the curriculum. Lies like, if you are Black, you're inherently victimized in the United States. And if you are white, you're inherently privileged in the United States of America. And that all systems of power in the United States are created for the explicit promotion of white people. That's what critical race theory teaches. That's what they're attempting to ban in the state of Florida. Not teaching about the evils of American history or white supremacy. What -- like -- it's a lie. They're liars, and it's disgusting. It truly is gross.
Because, again, there is no disagreement in the United States about the evils of American history when it comes to racism and white supremacy. There's no disagreement about that. The only disagreement is that you guys all say that the white supremacy is still there lurking underneath America's surface and that all of America's key institutions from capitalism to the meritocracy have been infused by that evil racism. And, thus, if you oppose the Democratic agenda, secretly, you are a white supremacist. Secretly, you're in league with Emmett Till's murderers. That's the case they're trying to make.