Associated Press Poll: Most Approve of Obama Oil Spill Response

A new Associated Press survey finds more Americans approve of the job the Obama Administration has done with the Gulf oil spill than disapprove.

“While some conservative pundits, such as Rush Limbaugh, have called this 'Obama's Katrina,' that's not how the public feels,” AP reported. “BP PLC, which owned the well that has gushed more than 4 million gallons since an Apr. 20 oil rig explosion, is getting more of the public's ire.

”More people surveyed said they approved of Obama's handling of the ongoing oil spill than disapproved, but not by large margins or with unusually strong feelings. It contrasts with the public's reaction to President George W. Bush's response to another Gulf disaster, 2005's Hurricane Katrina."

AP revealed that 42 percent approve of Obama's actions, 33 percent disapprove and 21 percent say they have neutral feelings about his response.