AP Exclusive Access to Oil Clean-up Barge

Associated Press is boasting that it has the only reporter on a barge carrying an enormous dome that is capping one of the major leaks in the Gulf of Mexico disaster.

“Some of the AP's stories have said the AP has exclusive access to the containment effort, while others have said the AP is the only news outlet aboard the ship carrying the dome,” Poynter.org reports. “However they put it, it's due to the 'incredibly persistent' AP reporter Harry Weber, according to AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll.”

“In this case, he got in touch with the right people early, persuaded them that he and colleague Gerald Herbert would be willing to be on the Gulf for as long as it took and under whatever conditions the barge offered,” Carroll wrote in a message relayed by AP spokesman Paul Colford.

Here is Weber's report below:

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