Coulter: "[P]rofiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan"

In a November 30 syndicated column about the removal of six imams from an airplane in Minnesota after other passengers saw them praying prior to boarding, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter claimed that racially “profiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan” than it is like profiling African-Americans, “because of the history of discrimination against blacks in this country.” Coulter added: “What did we do to the Arabs? I believe Americans are the victims in that relationship.”

In the same column, Coulter referred to the spokesman for the six Muslims as their “designated liar,” claiming that is how “spokesman” is “phrased in their culture.”

From Coulter's November 30 syndicated column:

The spokesman for the imams -- or as I believe it's phrased in their culture, “designated liar” -- Omar Shahin, staged a protest at Reagan Washington National Airport on Monday, after which, according to The Associated Press, “he and other religious leaders boarded a US Airways flight to demonstrate their determination to continue praying and flying.”


Also strange was that the NAACP has piped in to complain about racial profiling of Muslims. The only reason Americans feel guilty about “racial profiling” against blacks is because of the history of discrimination against blacks in this country.

What did we do to the Arabs? I believe Americans are the victims in that relationship. After the attacks of 9/11, profiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan.