Right-Wing Media Can't Push Planned Parenthood “Scandal” Without Being Dishonest

The Washington Times published an op-ed falsely accusing Planned Parenthood of “not fulfill[ing] their obligation to report to authorities these potential cases of child abuse” shown in Live Action's Planned Parenthood widely discredited videos. The op-ed, like other conservative media hyping the story, did not disclose that the Planned Parenthood Federation of America actually alerted the Justice Department to the potential sex trafficking before the Live Action videos were released.

Other examples of conservatives hyping the videos but not mentioning that Planned Parenthood contacted the authorities include Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Fox News' website, the Fox Nation.

It's clear from this pattern that the only way for right-wing media to gain traction on this story is to ignore a fact that would cause the story to fall apart. An acknowledgement that Planned Parenthood contacted the authorities would, in essence, constitute an admission that there is no scandal. And that's certainly no way to rile up the base.