Coulter's book tour diatribes continued: Kerry wants “to restore Saddam”

  • "[Senator John] Kerry apparently wants to create jobs in the body bag industry, as we come under more attacks when he refuses to fight the war on terrorism."
  • “I think they [Democrats] do get it [that a terrorist attack could occur in the United States]. I really think they don't care.”
  • “The media so wants to take [President] George [W.] Bush out so that John Kerry can get in and surrender for America.”

On October 8, following the second presidential debate, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter appeared as a guest on CNN's Larry King Live to promote her new book, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter (Crown Forum, October 2004). After praising Bush's “amazingly good job” at the debate, Coulter launched into another diatribe against the Democratic Party. Earlier on October 8, Coulter had elaborated on her views of Senator John Kerry during an interview on Los Angeles radio station KKLA 99.5 FM's The Frank Pastore Show. Media Matters for America has documented comments Coulter has previously delivered on her book tour.

From the October 8 edition of Larry King Live:

COULTER: This [the Democratic Party] is the appeasement party, and it's just words to cover up that they would never fight a war in defense of America.


KING: You think Franklin Roosevelt was an appeaser, Ann?

COULTER: No, I think, according to the Democrats' own standard, they would not have fought World War II today. I mean, Hitler didn't hit us at Pearl Harbor. Hitler was being contained. We sure didn't have the French and Germans on board for that one. [CNN, Larry King Live, 10/8]

From the October 8 broadcast of The Frank Pastore Show:

FRANK PASTORE (host): Why do they [Democrats] not get that Beslan can happen in San Diego or Fort Myers? [In September, terrorists attacked a school in Beslan, Russia, killing at least 350 people. A final death toll is still unknown.]

COULTER: I think they do get it. I really think they don't care. That's the problem with this ticket. I don't think they're believable on ever thinking there's any war, at any time that would be the right war at the right place, the right time. It's all just words and jabberwocky that we're getting from these people -- their enthusiasm for Saddam Hussein right now. Are they saying they'd put Saddam back in power?

COULTER: Why can't John Kerry speak honestly about what his position is? That's what it is -- Iraq was better under Saddam Hussein. [...] This is what Kerry wants -- to restore Saddam. He thinks the world would've been better with Saddam Hussein still in power, invading his neighbors, attempting to assassinate the former president of the United States, sheltering terrorists, funding suicide bombers. That is what our real choice is, but John Kerry refuses to tell us that.

COULTER: John Kerry apparently wants to create jobs in the body bag industry, as we come under more attacks when he refuses to fight the war on terrorism.

COULTER: The media so wants to take George Bush out so that John Kerry can get in and surrender for America.