Daily Caller Publishes Pro-Steve King Piece By White Nationalist Leader

The Daily Caller published an op-ed by anti-immigrant white nationalist Peter Brimelow defending Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) racist remark that “we can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

Brimelow is the editor of VDare.com, an anti-immigrant website that “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Brimelow recently stated on a Canadian radio program that he doesn’t “think the federal government should be monkeying around with the racial balance of the country. In the US, the federal government is essentially abolishing the people and electing a new one. In 1965, the US was 90% white; it’s now somewhere below 70% white -- it’s hard to determine exactly because the census is so poorly designed -- and that’s entirely because of public policy.”

Brimelow and his website support President Donald Trump; he donated a small amount of money to Trump’s campaign and attended his inauguration. Brimelow wrote that Trump “was the clear choice of the founding stock of the Historic American Nation -- 63 % of white males and 53 % of white women voted for Trump.”

Rep. King recently tweeted a defense of anti-Muslim Dutch politician Geert Wilders and claimed that “we can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies.” King has doubled down on his remarks in the media.

Brimelow’s Caller op-ed defended King and argued that America should remain white because the “Founding Fathers were all white” and they wanted “‘to form a more perfect union… [for] ourselves and our posterity’ -- by which they literally meant their physical descendants. ...  the U.S. was to be a nation-state, the political expression of a particular (white, British) people, as in Europe." He later wrote of King’s comments: “But the underlying issue: so what? Why this pathological (and in this case misplaced) hostility to the idea that whites have rights in the U.S.?”

Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson -- who no longer oversees daily operations of the website -- recently defended King’s comments on his Fox News program, stating: “Everything you said I think is defensible and probably right.”

Additionally, white nationalists and neo-Nazi media figures have rallied around the Iowa Republican, calling him a “hero” for “openly endorsing White nationalism.”

UPDATE: The Daily Caller published another piece by Brimelow on April 4. Brimelow’s piece is headlined “Taxes Won’t Work For Trump. Trade And Immigration Will” and argues that “Trump should go back to the issues that elected him: trade and, above all, immigration.”