Wash. Times: Obama Immigration Policy “Is A Throwback To 19th Century Marxism”

In a November 7 editorial titled “Occupy America: Obama immigration policy erodes U.S. national identity,” The Washington Times wrote that “President Obama is 'fundamentally transforming' the nation with a plan to flood the United States with individuals whose hearts belong to other lands” and that “Mr. Obama's leadership is a throwback to 19th century Marxism.” From the Times:

This isn't your father's America. As promised, President Obama is “fundamentally transforming” the nation with a plan to flood the United States with individuals whose hearts belong to other lands. The message to illegal immigrants is if you can get in and keep out of further trouble, you're welcome to stay. The Land of the Free has become the land of the home-free.


The United States is the most ethnically and culturally integrated society the world has ever known. One of this country's strengths has always been its heritage as a “melting pot” that welcomes those who want to come to the country, learn its language and partake of the American Dream. In a crass political move, leftists are looking to reward those who ignore the laws with an eventual amnesty designed to swell the Democratic voting ranks. This comes at a great cost to society.

Far from progressive, Mr. Obama's leadership is a throwback to 19th century Marxism, characterized by the politics of resentment that pits groups against each other - in this case, illegal occupiers against legal Americans. By challenging states attempting to observe immigration laws, the Obama administration hastens the fundamental change that is unmooring the nation from its founding principles. That's not the change voters wanted when they sent Barack to the White House.


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