National Review, please define “fiscal conservative”

According to National Review, Rep. Mike Pence is a viable presidential candidate because of his authentic fiscal conservatism:

Pence identifies himself as a fiscal and social conservative and has the voting record to prove it.

Unfortunately, National Review doesn't offer much explanation for what it means to be a fiscal conservative, though it suggests it has something to do with “voting against big-spending initiatives.” But Pence supported the Iraq and Afghanistan wars -- big-spending initiatives that contributed greatly to the deficit. And he supported the Bush tax cuts, and wants to extend them all -- that's another huge driver of deficits.

But National Review doesn't even mention the words “tax” or Iraq in its Pence profile, much less make any effort to reconcile its description of Pence as a fiscal conservative with his support for massive government spending on war and policies that run up the deficit. So I'm honestly curious: What does the National Review think it means to be a “fiscal conservative”? Is it simply opposition to government spending the National Review doesn't like?