USA Today is hearing things

Headline [emphasis added]:

Obama strategy against Palin, or other GOP foes? Run against Bush


White House spokesman Robert Gibbs didn't talk about Sarah Palin specifically yesterday, but he did address any Republican who is thinking about challenging President Obama in 2012.

Okay, so right off the bat, nobody at the White House was talking about Sarah Palin or mentioned her possible presidential run. So that part of the USA Today headline is bogus.

What did WH spokesman Robert Gibbs actually say? Here:

“You're going to get an opportunity to think about whether we're going to go back to what we came from or that we're going to go forward,” Gibbs said. “And that's a debate I think the President and many here are anxious to have.”

That's the only quote USA Today published, which means nobody at the WH was talking about Bush either.

So, in its headline USA Today stressed that Obama's strategy against Palin was to run against Bush. The only problem was that nobody in the article mentioned Palin or Bush.

But other than that, the piece seems fine.