Rove Aims For Obama, Accidentally Attacks George W. Bush

Tonight on Hannity, Fox News contributor Karl Rove laid out the case for why President Obama is not likely to be re-elected. (Rove, by the way, will often make such predictions regardless of whether they have a basis in reality.)

Rove claimed that Obama “desperately wants to be president.” As evidence, Rove said that Obama “has given up the job of being president in order to be a full-time candidate about a year earlier than he needs to. That's why he's doing all of these fundraisers.”

So, in Rove's view, if a president starts fundraising in the June before the election begins, it's a sign of desperation and evidence that he's “given up the job of being president.”

Hmm. I wonder what Rove's old boss, former President George W. Bush, was doing in June 2003. Surely, it couldn't have been fundraising. But wait. Here's what Bush was doing at the time:

June 30, 2003: Bush-Cheney 2004 Remarks by the President

June 27, 2003: Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Dinner

June 23, 2003: Remarks by the President at the Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception

June 20, 2003: Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception

June 17, 2003: Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception

Maybe it was a sign of leadership when Bush did it, but a sign of desperation when Obama did it. Or maybe Rove is just making things up.