Limbaugh: Obama Is Cutting America Down to Size

By Oliver Willis

Back from his honeymoon, Rush spent the first hour of his show describing his wedding in excruciating detail. He explained how he secured Elton John to perform and what was given out as wedding gifts.

Moving on to the oil spill, Limbaugh continued with his theory that the accident is seen as an opportunity by the Obama administration to pass policies such as cap and trade. Calling President Obama the AKOTUS -- “Ass-Kicker Of The United States” -- he said Obama wants to cut America “down to size,” is moving towards the destruction of the private sector, and that while the administration supposedly refuses to name the enemy in the war on terror, they feel free to do so with the executives at BP. Limbaugh also theorized that it was possible Obama was soft on BP due to donations to his campaign from BP employees. He also continued the false claim that it was 50 days until the Obama administration became involved in cleanup efforts in the Gulf.

Making up for the time he was off, Limbaugh falsely claimed that there were “felonies” committed because the Obama administration had discussions about the Senate candidacy of Andrew Romanoff in Colorado. Tackling the controversial candidacy of Alvin Greene in South Carolina, Limbaugh said that Democrats were trying to “throw” a black liberal “overboard” and that Democrats were working out of the Stalin playbook to imply that Greene is mentally ill.

Limbaugh later returned to tell more stories about his wedding and to explain the trouble he was having buying a new iPhone.

Highlights from today's show:

Rush “just can't see” Gore having a affair because there “has to be a willing participant in an affair”

Rush repeats claim that Obama “want[s] this disaster” in the Gulf

Limbaugh: Asking a congressman if they support Obama's agenda is like asking if they're a “Satanist” -- “the most insulting question you can ask”

Limbaugh promotes Heritage's misleading claim that admin refused help due to the Jones Act