Limbaugh Calls Obama An “Idiot” On Middle East Peace

By Tom Allison

Limbaugh: Liberals want to put “every soldier in jail”

Limbaugh opened today's show by connecting the falling stock market to Obama's financial regulation proposals. Limbaugh then discussed this Paul Krugman blog post to claim that Democrats are coming out of the woodwork to criticize Obama's first year as a failure. Rush also read the majority of this Mort Zuckerman piece to claim that liberals are “livid.”

After criticizing Obama's bank regulation proposals, Limbaugh moved on to Scott Brown's arrival in Washington. Rush played a roll of reporters asking Brown, in Limbaugh's words, “what he could do to help the Democrats.” Limbaugh speculated that all the questions focused on Brown's future relationship with Senate Democrats because all the reporters were women.

Rush stated that the Democrats don't want to work with Brown on the economy. Rush also commended Brown for “playing it down the middle,” but had a warning, as well:

LIMBAUGH: Now, he says we have real problems, like the economy and Al Qaeda trying to kill us. But Scott, in a personal aside, the Democrats do not want to work with you on either of those. They do not want to work with you on the economy. They want you working with them.

Rush claimed the media were “a bunch of sharks circling” but stated that Brown isn't “going to bleed for them.”

Supreme Court decision is a “defeat ... for the fascists”

Rush played comments by CNN's Jeffrey Toobin that today's Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission overturned a hundred years of precedent, claiming that liberals across the country were incensed at the decision to curb restrictions on corporations' involvement in political campaigns. Limbaugh added that all this was happening after, just a year ago, liberals thought they were going to get everything always wanted, including putting “every soldier in jail.”

After the break, Rush jumped back into the Citizens United case:

LIMBAUGH: This Supreme Court decision is -- I'll tell ya, it's a defeat, ladies and gentlemen, for the fascists, the statists who seek to control our property, our bodies, and our speech.

After another break, Rush said of the decision: “I know liberals, I know these cockroaches, and this is making their blood boil.”

Rush purported to explain how Democrats are “chameleons” who “constantly change their skin.” As an example, Limbaugh said that after the 2002 midterm elections, Democrats pretended to care about values voters. Limbaugh concluded that we are about to witness the Democrats shifting again by claiming to endorse bipartisanship.

Limbaugh discussed Pelosi's comments that she doesn't have the votes to pass the Senate version of health care reform, adding that the rats are deserting the ship. Limbaugh claimed that the Democrats loved independents and moderates when they were supporting them but have since changed that opinion.

Limbaugh calls Obama an “idiot” on Middle East peace

Limbaugh was all too happy to promote this Politico piece on what went wrong in Obama's first year in office.

Limbaugh played Sen. Chuck Schumer's criticisms of the Citizens United decision and countered that the decision strengthens freedom:

LIMBAUGH: Quite the contrary, Chuck U. Freedom is awakening from its coma today. This does not undermine democracy; it strengthens it. It gets away from all these other liberal ideas that everything must be equal to be fair.

Limbaugh then read from George Stephanopoulos' interview with Obama, claiming that Obama is “still, like a spoiled-rotten little man-child, blaming George W. Bush.” Limbaugh also read from reports that Obama acknowledged his expectations for Middle East peace were too high, commenting: “This idiot, who is the president, wasn't quite sure how tough this would be before he was elected? That is scary. We all knew how tough it would be.”

Limbaugh also responded to Republicans who argue that the party should move beyond small-government Reagan conservatism, claiming the Brown's election overturned that argument. Wrapping up the second hour, Limbaugh returned to the Citizens United case, mentioning this blog post from The Hill about Schumer's call for hearings on the case, suggesting that congressional Democrats might find a way to skirt the decision.

Clintons are “plotting” for Hillary to run in 2012

Limbaugh repeated his suggestion that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is “plotting” to run for president in 2012.

After a commercial break, Limbaugh read from Stephen Hayes' Weekly Standard blog post on Sen. Mitch McConnell's statement about yesterday's Senate hearings on the attempted Christmas Day bombing.

Claiming that “the AP takes its swipe” at Brown, Limbaugh criticized this AP article that attempted to compare Brown's record and his campaign rhetoric. Limbaugh criticized the article for arguing that Brown's campaign wasn't authentically grassroots because of his support from the tea party movement.

Limbaugh wrapped up today's show by criticizing Chris Matthews' commentary on the Massachusetts special election.

Michael Timberlake and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.


LIMBAUGH: Now, he says we have real problems, like the economy and Al Qaeda trying to kill us. But Scott, in a personal aside, the Democrats do not want to work with you on either of those. They do not want to work with you on the economy. They want you working with them.


LIMBAUGH: This Supreme Court decision is -- I'll tell ya, it's a defeat, ladies and gentlemen, for the fascists, the statists who seek to control our property, our bodies, and our speech.


LIMBAUGH: Quite the contrary, Chuck U. Freedom is awakening from its coma today. This does not undermine democracy; it strengthens it. It gets away from all these other liberal ideas that everything must be equal to be fair.


LIMBAUGH: This idiot, who is the president, wasn't quite sure how tough this would be before he was elected? That is scary. We all knew how tough it would be.


LIMBAUGH: Well, I did mean it. I -- honest to God -- Lanny, if you're listening, I honest to God do think she's considering -- I mean, you got the perfect storm brewing here. This is an ideal time for somebody to move in. And she's parked over there at State. She's doing her loyal, dutiful duty, but that can't be too thrilling. Besides, they send big, you know, czars everywhere that she would really like to go. They send her to the, you know, sticks while other people get the glamour posts. And you know she's -- especially now with everybody seeing how they got, got, got scammed by Obama.

You know -- Lanny, I'm telling you. I think I know the Clintons. And I think you know that I know them too, Lanny. And I think you know that I know that I know I'm right, and you know that I'm right when I say they're plotting it. At least sketching it out. At least talking about it amongst themselves.

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: And you know how anti-corporatist the left is. You know how they hate corporations. They despise -- this, folks, is causing ulcers. I can't tell you what this decision is doing today to these leftists, who, just a year ago, they had such high hopes that they're gonna have every CEO in jail and every soldier in jail.


LIMBAUGH: So, he is still, like a spoiled-rotten little man-child, blaming George W. Bush.