ABC: “Who's Encouraging Domestic Terror,” Bill Clinton or Rush Limbaugh?

With this article, ABC News reaches a new low in the “uncritically report what both sides are saying” school of journalism:

Good grief.

If you haven't been following this story, in an address today at the Center for American Progress, former President Bill Clinton warned that the angry and violent rhetoric heard on conservative media and at tea parties today could lead to fringe violence. Rush Limbaugh, perhaps a little sensitive about his own role in spreading anger and fear of the government, responded by stating that Clinton had thus “set the stage for violence” because he supposedly “gave the kooks in this country an excuse to go be violent.”

Now, one way to cover these events would be highlight the fact that President Clinton was entirely correct to note that there has been an increase in anti-government and violent rhetoric, or expose Limbaugh's hypocritical remarks by highlighting the role he (and other right wing personalities) have played in spreading this anti-government anger.

Did ABC News do that? No, they instead chose to elevate Limbaugh's remarks without providing the context of his own role in anti-government rhetoric, thus painting him as a reasonable counter-point. They even going so far as to ask if “conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh [is] right -- that former President Clinton and President Obama soon could have blood on their hands.”

This has not been a good week for the networks' websites.