Election denier Gregg Phillips says Rumble is monetizing his podcast

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Citation From the August 14, 2023, edition of Liberty and Justus, streamed on Rumble

JUSTUS EAPEN (HOST): It's like we need to make money. People need to survive. People deserve to earn money for the work that they do. Like, I'm sorry, but if you're out there calling people like Gregg a grifter — they call me a grifter all the time. I'm like, dude, I do this show for free. Like, this is not, you know what I mean ... like, people do, like, donate a little bit of money here and there. But it's not like, you know, I'm not living off of it.

GREGG PHILLIPS: On Patriot Games, I looked this up the other day on Rumble, we've made — and I think we've done like 23 or 24 episodes or something — we've made like $411 or something like that.

EAPEN: Yeah, that's pretty much what I've made this year on the podcast. So that's pretty funny, very close numbers that we're doing there.