Washingtonpost.com discussion tease asserted as fact the “remarkable -- and often ignored -- successes of the Bush administration”

In teasing a July 16 washingtonpost.com online discussion in which Weekly Standard editor William Kristol will discuss his July 15 Washington Post op-ed, headlined “Why Bush Will be a Winner,” the Post's website asserted as fact that the Bush administration has had “remarkable -- and often ignored successes.” The tease stated in full that “Weekly Standard Editor William Kristol will chart the remarkable -- and often ignored -- successes of the Bush administration.” This language does not appear in Kristol's op-ed; he did not claim that the Bush administration's “successes” have been ignored, nor did he describe these “successes” as “remarkable.”

The tease appeared both on the washingtonpost.com discussion page and in a sidebar to the online version of Kristol's op-ed: