O'Reilly attacked Sen. Clinton, dubiously asserted Bush kept campaign promises

In explaining why he believes “51 percent” of Americans “won't vote for” Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton if she runs for president, Fox News' Bill O'Reilly claimed that it's because “they don't know what she's going to do [once elected],” adding, “Bush did exactly what he said he was going to do.” However, the Center for American Progress has previously noted several examples of what it has characterized as Bush's “serial flip-flopping.”

On the January 25 broadcast of The Radio Factor, host Bill O'Reilly asserted that “51 percent” of Americans “won't vote for” Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) if she runs for president because “they don't know what she's going to do [once elected].” He drew a distinction between Clinton and President Bush, stating:

O'REILLY: [L]ook, you knew what Bush was going to do. Bush did exactly what he said he was going to do.


O'REILLY: [H]e's not a hypocrite, Bush. He told you exactly what he was going to do, and he did it.

But during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Center for American Progress compiled a long list of examples of what it characterized as Bush's “serial flip-flopping.” Some highlights from Bush's 2000 presidential campaign include:

  • Bush favored letting individual states decide whether to permit gay marriage before calling for “an amendment to our Constitution defining and protecting marriage as a union of man and woman as husband and wife.”
  • Bush opposed “extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions” before advocating “changing the regime of Iraq, for the good of the Iraqi people.”
  • Bush supported mandatory caps on carbon dioxide emissions, before opposing such caps.
  • Bush ridiculed Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore's proposed tax credits for hybrid gasoline-electric engine vehicles, before proposing a $2.5 billion tax cut for vehicles with hybrid or cleaner-burning diesel engines.

More recently, in an April 19, 2004, speech promoting the USA Patriot Act, Bush told his audience that domestic wiretapping required a court order:

BUSH: For years, law enforcement used so-called roving wiretaps to investigate organized crime. You see, what that meant is, if you got a wiretap by court order, and by the way, everything you hear about requires a court order -- requires -- there's -- to be permission from a FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] court, for example.

Bush repeatedly emphasized that wiretapping was undertaken “with court approval” or “with a court order,” but as The New York Times revealed December 16, following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on the conversations of persons within the United States without the court-approved warrants required by the 1978 FISA law.

From the January 25 broadcast of Westwood One's The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly:

CALLER: Hi, Mr. O'Reilly; got two quick points: One, I don't think people will vote for Hillary because -- Dick Morris puts it best -- she's a chameleon. They can see right through her, so they're just not going to vote for her for that reason. My other comment is, I just -- it shows how weak that Democratic Party is if 51 percent of the people say they absolutely will not vote for Hillary. Yet, she is doing just as well as [Sen.] John Kerry [D-MA] and other Democrats against the Republicans. Just shows how weak the Democratic Party is.

O'REILLY: Oh, she's doing better. She's doing better among Democrats. Well, I don't -- look.

CALLER: Well, that just -- that just strengthens my point of view that that just shows how weak the Democratic Party is.

O'REILLY: I think the Hillary Clinton -- I think the Hillary Clinton vote is a vote for Bill Clinton. I think that's what it is. I think it's, “Well, we had a great time for eight years” -- we the Democrats -- “It's too bad that Monica Lewinsky messed it all up for us, and let's get back and do it again.” I think that's what the vote is it. I think there, you know -- and Hillary, obviously, is a committed liberal, no question. She can, you know, say she -- she isn't, but her voting record is what? Ninety-five percent on the liberal line?

She's not an independent thinker by any stretch of the imagination, but my main objection to Mrs. Clinton, and why I think 51 percent won't vote for her, is that we don't trust her. And I think that's why Kerry lost, too, 'cause most of those people don't trust them, 'cause they don't know what she's going to do. And in a very dangerous time, we need to have some idea -- look, you knew what Bush was going to do. Bush did exactly what he said he was going to do. Unfortunately, they've made too many mistakes in my opinion. The Bush administration has made too many mistakes. I'm praying it all works out, but they've made too many mistakes. But he's not a hypocrite, Bush. He told you exactly what he was going to do, and he did it.