NYT's Opinionator Blog: Huckabee's Defense Of His Obama Falsehoods “Doesn't Wash”

Timothy Egan wrote today in the New York Times' Opinionator blog that Mike Huckabee continued his “pattern of telling outright falsehoods about himself and the president” this week when he falsely said President Obama grew up in Kenya.

From the NYT's Opinionator blog:

Here's what Huckabee said about Obama, from a conversation that is part of the innuendo-laden talk-radio gas that lies across the land like methane from a landfill:

And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example, is very different than the average American.

Of course, “what he does know” is completely wrong. Obama grew up in Hawaii, spent some years in Indonesia, and then went to college in California. He visited Kenya, the home of a father he never knew, in his 20s. Mostly, he was raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii.

Facing a storm of criticism, Huckabee turned churlish. He said he had simply “mispoken” while promoting his latest book of tired homilies. He meant to say Indonesia, not Kenya.

That doesn't wash, given that Huckabee in the same radio interview spun a similar and more elaborate fantasy of how Obama's world view was shaped by the “Mau-Mau” movement in Kenya. If Huckabee meant to say Indonesia, he would have made up something about Obama hating the colonial Dutch and having a thing against nutmeg.

This colonial construct sounds like something Huckabee picked up from one of the nutty books they promote on Fox.

This is troubling enough for a man who may one day be asked to make momentous decisions based on facts. It also shows that Huckabee will stir the same poison pot about Obama to please a Republican primary base in which half the voters think the president is not an American citizen.