Matalin, defending Coulter's attacks on 9-11 widows: “I take her larger point”

On MSNBC's Imus in the Morning, Republican strategist Mary Matalin joined other Republican strategists and media figures in defending Ann Coulter's attacks on the widows of the 9-11 victims, expressing agreement with Coulter's “larger point.” When Imus challenged Matalin to condemn Coulter for her “repugnant attacks,” including “calling these women harpies,” Matalin refused, saying: “That's completely not her point,” and that such remarks are Coulter's “stock in trade.” She added that she would not condemn Coulter because “I don't know her” and “I haven't read the book.”

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On the June 9 edition of MSNBC's Imus in the Morning, Republican strategist Mary Matalin joined other Republican strategists and media figures in defending Ann Coulter's attacks on the widows of the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks -- articulated in her book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism (Crown Forum, June 2006), and in media appearances promoting the book. Asked by host Don Imus to comment on Coulter's remarks that the 9-11 widows who criticized President Bush were “reveling in their status as celebrities” and “enjoying their husbands' deaths,” Matalin expressed agreement with Coulter's “larger point.” When Imus challenged Matalin to condemn Coulter for her “repugnant attacks,” including “calling these women harpies,” Matalin refused, saying: “That's completely not her point,” and that such remarks are Coulter's “stock in trade.” She added that she would not condemn Coulter because “I don't know her” and “I haven't read the book.”

Echoing Coulter, Matalin stated that “in the absence of being able to make persuasive arguments,” liberals “roll out messengers” that it is “politically incorrect to argue with.” Additionally, Matalin asserted: “You lefty crazy people run around, calling us 'extra chromosome' and 'Hitlers' and 'Nazis' and everything, and nobody says anything. She calls somebody a 'harpy' and you'd think that, you know, the whole world was on fire.”

From the June 9 edition of MSNBC's Imus in the Morning:

IMUS: What did you make of the Ann Coulter deal?

MATALIN: I take her larger point that in the absence of being able to make persuasive arguments, you roll out messengers that can't be -- you know, it's politically incorrect to argue with. But I -- I, you know, the verbiage is a little -- little stressful.

IMUS: So you thought her comments about these women was -- were inappropriate?

MATALIN: I take her larger point, which is --

IMUS: Well, why can't you comment on what she -- calling these women harpies?

MATALIN: Because that's not her point.

IMUS: Harpies and --

MATALIN: That's completely not her point.

IMUS: Well, no, but I mean, saying that they were happy their husbands got killed?

BERNARD McGUIRK [producer]: Their husbands were going to divorce them.

IMUS: And -- yes, that they're getting long in the tooth, and maybe ought to think about appearing in Playboy, which is an option --

MATALIN: What do you think about her point? Her point that you can't -- you know, Cindy Sheehan -- you can't -- if you throw yourself in the political arena, that you should be able to, you know, to address political issues, and people should be able to speak back to you?

IMUS: I agree with her point.

MATALIN: Well then that's what I agree with.

IMUS: I agree with her point. But I think it's repugnant and repulsive and gutless to -- and cheap and cheesy to call these women all these names. I mean, it's just -- whether it's right or not, I mean, you just -- that's just something -- you know, you just don't go there.

MATALIN: Well that's her stock in trade.

IMUS: But I'm surprised that you won't condemn her for these repugnant remarks.

MATALIN: I don't know her. I haven't read the book.

IMUS: Well you don't have to know her. You know what Hitler did. Did you know him? And you can condemn what he did.

MATALIN Are you comparing her to Hitler? See, this is the point.

IMUS: No. No, I'm not. I'm just -- of course not. I'm just saying --

MATALIN: This is completely the point she's making.

IMUS: All right. You know me. You condemn me all the time.

MATALIN: You lefty crazy people run around, calling us “extra chromosome” and “Hitlers” and “Nazis” and everything, and nobody says anything. She calls somebody a “harpy” and you'd think that, you know, the whole world was on fire.