Irony alert: Michelle Malkin blogger objects when people use Hitler references (about Tea Party)

You'd think that cheerleading an anti-Obama political movement that has been drowning in Hitler and Nazi and swastika nonsense would disqualify right-wing bloggers from complaining when somebody on the left makes a Hitler reference in connection to the Tea Party movement.

You'd think that turning a blind eye to the massive amount of Third Reich rhetoric that now anchors the Tea Party movement and that seems to fuel so many of its cheerleaders in the GOP Noise Machine, would mean it would be utterly pointless to object when similar rhetoric is raised on the left.

You'd think. But you'd be wrong.

Behold Doug Powers and this irony-free rant at Michelle Malkin's site.

See, it's craaaaazy for partisans invoke Hitler when talking about political leaders. Except, of course, when that leader is Obama. And except, of course, when the partisans live on the far-right fringes.

In those instances, sites like Malkin's dial down the outrage, play dumb, and turn away.

Ironic, dontcha think?