Rabbi David Saperstein: Beck's Denigration Of Reform Jews Is “Deeply Distasteful And Offensive”

Yesterday, Glenn Beck claimed that Reform Judaism is “more about politics” than about faith and likened Reform Judaism to “radicalized Islam.” Today, Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, called Beck's comments “deeply distasteful and offensive.”

From a February 23 Jewish Telegraphic Agency article:

Reform movement leaders were nevertheless outraged by the comparison. Rabbi David Saperstein, the head of the movement's Washington office, the Religious Action Center, told JTA the comments were “distasteful and offensive.”

“His description of the Reform movement ignores the fact that we're the largest segment of American Jewry,” Saperstein said. “It has been over the last 30 years the fastest growing liberal theological denomination in America. And that is true because of the richness of the religious, spiritual and faith fulfillment it offers a very diverse constituency that defines our movement. For him to denigrate, not just all the Reform rabbis, Reform Judaism, but the million and half members of our synagogues is deeply distasteful and offensive.”