Hutcherson: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, “liberal minds ... trying to take over our courts” are looters; Dobson agrees


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On the September 20 broadcast of James Dobson's Focus on the Family radio show, Ken Hutcherson, pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington, identified “three types of looters” in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. “The first set,” Hutcherson said, “came in, stole clothes, stole food, stole appliances, stole televisions.” Then he stated, “The second set of looters ... was the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons,” whom he accused of "[coming] in and [saying] they are representing all the black community. ... They are the ones who said they are stealing power from us." Hutcherson continued: "[T]he third set of looters that's even worse, that's taking advantage of this whole situation, is the liberal minds who's [sic] trying to take over our courts."

Continuing his criticism of “liberal minds,” Hutcherson asked Dobson, "[C]an you believe and understand, 17 out of 17 states voted against same-sex marriage? ... Then the courts came along and says [sic], 'Your vote is unconstitutional.' " Dobson replied, “That's looting.”

According to his website, Hutcherson was a “three-time special guest speaker on the Billy Graham Crusade team.” Hutcherson has been a staunch opponent of same-sex marriage and has organized several protest events, including a “Mayday for Marriage” event that, according to an October 15, 2004, Washington Post article, was held “to decry same-sex marriage and 'let everyone know God is in control' of the [2004] elections.” Hutcherson has made repeated appearances on the air with Dobson, who affectionately calls him “Hutch.”

From Dobson's interview with Hutcherson and Star Parker, founder and president of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education, on the September 20 broadcast of Focus on the Family:

HUTCHERSON: The thing that I was saying over and over and over again is how the looters are working so well that -- it isn't just the looters. There's three types of looters that's involved with this tragedy and Katrina. And we need to understand all three. Now, the first set of looters that took advantage of Katrina was the looters that came in, stole clothes, stole food, stole appliances, stole televisions, and then once they stole these things, all of a sudden, they started believing, “This is mine. This belongs to me now.” And many of them's never had things because the black community, the black caucus, the mayor, and the governor didn't step up before Katrina. So now they got these things. So when the rescue boats and the rescue helicopters start going in, they start shooting at the boats. They start shooting at the helicopters. And many people don't understand -- “What is going on?” I'll tell you what's going on: ownership. They think that now this is mine, and you are not taking it. So all of a sudden, we got a whole new program that was going on that they wasn't ready. So everyone said, “These looters are terrible. We gotta get rid of it. They're giving the city a bad name. They're giving the people a bad name, and the good citizens, and the police officers ought to step up and take care of this because they gonna make us look terrible in this situation.” Which they did. Then --

DOBSON: Now that's the first --

HUTCHERSON: That was the first looters. All right? So we all agree that they are bad. The second set of looters that came in was the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons. All right? They're just as much looters as the ones that was stealing.

DOBSON: In what sense?

HUTCHERSON: Because what they did was they came in and said they are representing all the black community. They're speaking for the black community. They are the ones who said they are stealing power from us. We seem to be the only people that needs leaders.

DOBSON: Mm-hmm.

HUTCHERSON: And so, what they are saying is, “Man, we're going to loot this situation” --

DOBSON: Self-appointed.

HUTCHERSON: -- “and we're going to take advantage of this situation.” And now they're getting a free hand, but when people like myself, or when people like Star, or people even like Bill Cosby, start saying some of our problems is brought on by us, these self-appointed looters start shooting back at you with their mouths. And so we back off and we let 'em run. Well, we're not going to do that anymore. There's -- there's a new sheriff in town in the black community, and that's conservatives who believe in the word of God, that's gonna stand on that word of God, and we're not gonna put up with any more looters that's stealing clothes, that's stealing the culture.

And then the third set of looters that's even worse, that's taking advantage of this whole situation, is the liberal minds who's trying to take over our courts, which we're gonna need immediately. Dr. Dobson, can you believe and understand, 17 out of 17 states voted against same-sex marriage?

DOBSON: Mm-hmm.

HUTCHERSON: Then the courts came along and says, “Your vote is unconstitutional.”

DOBSON: Doesn't count. That's looting.

HUTCHERSON: It doesn't -- that's looting. And we have put up with that. And then we got the [Sen. Charles E.] Schumers [D-NY] and then we have the [Sen. Edward M.] Kennedys [D-MA], and then we got the, and then we got the People of the American Way [sic]. I wanna ask this question: “Where are the people with a moral standard that call themselves Democrats? Where are the African-Americans that call themselves moral? Where are the citizens and the victims of Katrina who's saying you're not going to take what we are and the good we have been? Where are all these people who needs to stand up against all these other looters?”

DOBSON: They don't have a voice, Ken. I mean, but they're out there.