CBS Nixed Tiger Interview Over Time Limit

While ESPN and The Golf Channel touted their “exclusive” interviews with Tiger Woods this past weekend, CBS reportedly rejected the offer because of the five-minute limit imposed by Woods' people, according to The New York Times.

The Times' Bill Carter reports:

Though they declined to speak on the record, CBS executives described their reluctance Monday less as a journalistic stand against an interview subject trying to control questioning than as a practical decision about what benefit the network could get from the interview.

The executives explained that given the restrictions on the interview - five minutes total with Mr. Woods, who was declaring several areas of questioning too personal to answer directly - CBS was not likely to be able to get much more information from Mr. Woods than either of the sports cable channels.

Of course, with Woods' plan to return to golf at The Master's, a CBS exclusive, the network will get enough good ratings from him soon.