Today In Foolish Kilmeade Mistakes: Reminding Us About Boehner's Constitution Error

Brian Kilmeade just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone. During this morning's broadcast of Fox & Friends, our favorite morning misinformers ran a segment about the GOP's planned reading of the Constitution that, well, probably wasn't as helpful for soon-to-be Speaker Boehner as they'd planned.

Co-host Gretchen Carlson kicked off the segment by reporting that the GOP plans to start the 112th Congress by having the Constitution read aloud on the House floor. She then said, “Well, some are now saying, in criticizing that mission, saying that the Constitution is outdated?”

The “some” who are “now saying” this turns out to be Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein. The co-hosts reference Klein's comments during an interview on MSNBC's The Daily Rundown, in which he said, “The issue with the Constitution is that the text is confusing because it was written more than 100 years ago, and what people believe it says differs from person to person, and differs depending on what they want to get done.”

After text featuring Klein's comments is aired, co-host Brian Kilmeade says, “He also accuses John Boehner of confusing the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution. I don't know where he got that from.”

First of all, a simple Google search reveals many hits, complete with video, showing that Boehner did indeed make this mistake at a Tea Party protest in November 2009. Holding up his pocket copy of the Constitution, he said, “I'm going to stand here with our Founding Fathers, who wrote in the pre-amble, 'We hold these truths to be self-evident.'” However, that's the pre-amble to the Declaration of Independence.

Not only is it true that Boehner made this mistake, but a video of him speaking these words was aired during the Klein interview that Kilmeade is referencing. So I think it's pretty clear where Klein and host Norah O'Donnell “got that from.”
