Gender Equality Is Still A Worldwide Issue -- Except At Fox News

Bolling equal pay

A new report from the United Nations found that no country has reached gender equality in the workforce, and that “without targeted action” the gender pay gap won't be closed for 70 years -- but at Fox News, gender pay inequality is still no more than a “meme” or a “myth.”

Ahead of International Women's Day on March 8, the United Nations' International Labour Organization (ILO) released their report on women in the workplace, finding that internationally “women continue to experience widespread discrimination and inequality” at work. According to the ILO's findings, no country has reached gender equality and “Globally, women earn approximately 77 per cent of what men earn, with the gap widening for higher-earning women.” The ILO's report concluded that “without targeted action, at the current rate, pay equity between women and men will not be achieved before 2086.”

Fox News has consistently glossed over the importance of issues like the gender pay gap, deeming them no more than a “myth” or a “meme.” Over the years, Fox figures have crusaded against equal pay, either outright denying the existence of a pay gap or  attempting to justify its existence, even going so far as to claim that the gender wage gap helped women remain employed during the recession.  Fox hosts have actively campaigned against legislation meant to address the pay gap, claiming it could “actually hurt women.”

Despite Fox's dismissive approach to the issue, pay inequality remains a problem both internationally and in the United States. According to a 2014 survey by the World Economic Forum, the United States ranked 65th in wage inequality of the 142 countries examined by the organization.