Daily Caller Blames Right-Wing Blogosphere Failure On Inability To Scroll

We've long chronicled the right-wing media's problem with undertaking basic research before trying to smear progressives. Nonetheless, this one was a doozy.

Last week, we debunked the claim from three conservative bloggers that President Obama repeatedly met with a Department of Justice official “keenly aware” of the failed ATF operation Fast and Furious at “the height” of the operation. In fact, no evidence has been presented showing that the official was aware at the time of the controversial details of the program, and in any case, the meetings in question were actually White House visits to attend major events related to a visit by the Mexican President and the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court.

As we pointed out, hundreds to thousands of people attended these supposed meetings, making it extremely unlikely that the DOJ official was using them to secretly brief the President. And as we noted, this information was easily available through the same White House Visitors Office records that the right-wing bloggers were using to drum up their conspiracy.

Yesterday, the Daily Caller attempted to identify just where those bloggers went wrong:

But on the dates in question, the logs specifically referred to formal arrivals and receptions related to a State Dinner for Mexican president Felipe Calderón. It's unclear whether the three writers noticed this feature of the visitor logs, since the spreadsheets' columns related to the purpose for the visits is hidden from view and only become visible when readers scroll a considerable distance to one side.

That's how pathetic even the Caller acknowledges the right-wing blogosphere must be: they are either too incompetent to “scroll a considerable distance to one side” in order to confirm their conspiracies before they run with them or they're simply uninterested in the truth.

For their part, the Caller was also apparently unable to pull off the scrolling trick on their own. Instead, after reading the claims of right-wing bloggers, they contacted the White House directly, who pointed them to our post. It remains to be seen whether the Caller has learned not to take such sources seriously in the future.