Don't Tell Fox News: Americans Blame Oil Companies For High Gas Prices (Not Obama)

Fox News and the rest of the far-right press have been relentlessly attacking Obama in recent days over rising gas prices, claiming the president is to blame for the latest, seasonal increase. (Surprise! The accusation is baseless.)

The robotic condemnation isn't exactly a surprise, since the conservative media blame Obama for everything. What's telling is how few Americans buy the partisan, ODS cries about gas pump prices.

From a recent McClatchy-Marist poll [emphasis added]:

36% of U.S. residents think the volatility in the Middle East is at fault while 34% say U.S. oil companies are the culprits. 11% hold President Obama and the Democrats responsible, and 7% find fault with Congressional Republicans. Three percent of Americans blame state and local taxes, and one in ten -- 10% -- are unsure.

“There's plenty of blame to go around for high fuel prices in the minds of Americans,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “Although this is an issue that hits close to home, right now it isn't being laid at President Obama's doorstep.”