The Interesting Emails Fox & Friends Airs

There was a lot of talk this morning on Fox & Friends about the Supreme Court's ruling yesterday that the Westboro Baptist Church's anti-gay protests of funerals for dead American soldiers, while monumentally loathsome and antithetical to our progress as a nation and a society, are protected as free speech by the Constitution.

And, as happens most days on Fox & Friends, the hosts solicited viewers to email their opinions, and a few of those emails were selected to be read on the air, including one that counseled against changing the Constitution “because of some far left loons.”

Trying to brand the Westboro Baptist Church as “left” or “right” does nothing to explain the sick delusion that motivates them, and serves only to smear by association those whose left-leaning or right-leaning views are not motivated by insane hatred. What's more, it makes little sense -- last I checked, the “far-left” isn't really known for harboring religiously inspired antipathy towards gays.

But that's the viewer email Fox & Friends selected for special attention. Funny how that happened.