Daily Caller Inadvertently Undermines Live Action's Campaign Against Planned Parenthood

It's not entirely clear that the crew down at The Daily Caller knows what “complicit” means.

Running with the latest installment in fringe right-wing activist Lila Rose's discredited hit job against Planned Parenthood, The Daily Caller reports:

This is the sixth video in less than two weeks seemingly showing Planned Parenthood acting complicit in the sexual trafficking of young girls. Last week Live Action released five videos depicting similar happenings -- one in New Jersey and four in Virginia.

Four paragraphs later, The Daily Caller gets around to completely undermining the suggestion that Planned Parenthood has been exposed as “complicit in the sexual trafficking of young girls”:

Prior to the videos' release and suspecting a sting, Planned Parenthood alerted U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder of a possible sex traffic ring at worst, a political hoax at best.