How being wrong about Iraq paid off for pro-war pundits

Salon's Glenn Greenwald looks at one pundit who managed to play his losing Iraq hand into extraordinary winnings:

Except unlike [Judy] Miller, who was forced to leave the New York Times over what she did, and the NYT itself, which at least acknowledged some of the shoddy pro-war propaganda it churned out, [Jeffery] Goldberg has never acknowledged his journalistic errors, expressed remorse for them, or paid any price at all. To the contrary, as is true for most Iraq war propagandists, he thrived despite as a result of his sorry record in service of the war. In 2007, David Bradley -- the owner of The Atlantic and (in his own words) formerly “a neocon guy” who was “dead certain about the rightness” of invading Iraq -- lavished Goldberg with money and gifts, including ponies for Goldberg's children, in order to lure him away from The New Yorker, where he had churned out most of his pre-war trash.

Read Greenwald's entire take-down here. And just try to imagine what the professional implications would have been for liberal pundits who got the war 100% wrong, the way Goldberg did.

UPDATED: In response to Greenwald, Goldberg writes dismissively, “It turns out that the left-wing commentator Glenn Greenwald doesn't like me (who knew?)."

Actually, that's not quite right. Greenwald's criticism is much more professional than it is personal. He thinks Goldberg is an awful journalist who shows disdain for necessary standards.