There are quite a few on the “left” at Fox News these days

This morning, Fox & Friends host Gretchen Carlson said the “left” is concerned that Arizona's immigration law “will make it easier to racially profile.” Carlson said this while teasing a segment of an interview with an Arizona sheriff who she purported would say the left's claim is “not even close.”

Well, Fox News' own legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano may be surprised to hear he's joined the flanks of the “left.” Just two days ago, he told Fox & Friends that “Arizona has given the police the power to stop anyone they want on the basis of the way they look,” and that the law is “subjective”:

The state of Arizona has given the police the power to stop anyone they want on the basis of the way they look, even though the Constitution and federal law prohibits that. And the state of Arizona has created a crime unique to Arizona, which is being present illegally in the state of Arizona...Think about it. The police are going to stop somebody on the basis of way they look and say I think you're here illegally, give me your papers. And then he has to say, by the way, you have a right to remain silent, you don't have to answer me. So what's going to be accomplished by this other than police stopping people whoever they want to stop.


The problem with the law is that it's subjective. What's reasonable suspicion to you might be unreasonable suspicion to me. The law has to have standards in it. Otherwise police could stop people for any reason they wanted and there would be a different standard for each police officer. That's the importance of that question to the governor. Can you tell and illegal alien from a legal alien by looking at them? She said of course I can't. Neither can the police."

Also joining the “left” on this issue are Fox News' Charles Krauthammer and Mike Huckabee, MSNBC's conservative morning-show host Joe Scarborough, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio.

It's not surprising that Carlson assigned concerns over the bill to the “left.” Fox News figures have not been paying attention to their own network lately.