Hill blogger: Washington “seal[ed] the fate of the South” until April 2009 “tax revolt at the Alamo and elsewhere”

From Bernie Quigley's April 8 blog post:

The first purpose of the Civil War was economic consolidation under a single economic system and a single currency in a globalist vision designed by Alexander Hamilton, the New Yorker. Washington signed on with Hamilton at Jay's Treaty in 1794, sealing the fate of America, sealing the fate of the South and Texas.

Until April 15, 2009, and the tax revolt at the Alamo and everywhere. Because it is all about economics. And the bankrupt and corrupted conqueror today looks to the economically healthy Southern and Western free states for material support and a hefty pension after burning Atlanta to the ground and bringing it into submission at the cost of 34,624 lives at Chickamauga, 51,112 at Gettysburg and 26,134 at Antietam in a matter of hours. How's that supposed to work again?

Bob McDonnell's call for a Confederate History Month might not be a bad idea but they might hold it in Rhode Island instead of the Old Dominion. Because back in Newport we were not taught in school that where we sat was the heart, hub and economic engine of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. We were taught that the white people in the South were beasts and they did it.