Gateway Pundit offering up to $10K for people who can get anti-science signs on TV

From Jim Hoft's February 11 post, "Gateway Pundit 'Cold Reality' Photo Contest- Up to $10,000 in Prize Money":

Big government politicians and scientists were hoping they could convince people that their junk science was real. Then they could further control the energy industry through taxation and regulation. Unfortunately, for them the scam is falling apart right in front of their eyes.

So what better time for a contest?

If you would like to have some fun and make a little cash while you're snowed in then this is just the contest you've been waiting for. Here are the rules:

1.) Create a sign.

2.) You must then get your sign in a position so that it can be seen on TV.

For each local TV spot you will receive $100.00.

If a sign is placed on a national TV network the prize will jump to $300.00.

If two or three signs are on one TV spot then the prize would be divided by the participants.

The most original sign would receive and additional $500.00.

The funniest sign will receive an additional $500.00.

Contest ends on Sunday February 14, 2010.
Thanks to my anonymous supporter for coming up with the idea and fronting the prize money.


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