More news Andrew Malcolm won't report

A couple weeks ago, Laura Bush's former press secretary used his perch as a reporter/blogger for the Los Angeles Times to hype the “tax troubles” of “Democrat[s] in Washington.” Jumping off news that California Democratic Congressman Pete Stark saved nearly $4,000 in taxes by claiming his Maryland home as his primary residence, Andrew Malcolm wrote “taxes seem to be the problem de la saison for Washington Democrats.” Malcolm then offered a laundry list of Democrats with tax problems.

Two days later, Roll Call reported that four House Republicans have been receiving the Washington, D.C., homestead exemption -- essentially the same tax controversy Stark faced. But, as I noted at the time, Malcolm ignored that news, perhaps because it was inconsistent with his portrayal of tax problems as unique to Democrats.

Now there's news that GOP Rep. Roy Blunt “may have erroneously received a homestead exemption for a $1.6 million residence in Georgetown.”

But don't hold your breath waiting for Laura Bush's former press secretary to tell you about it.