Bill O'Reilly Abandons NYC Cops and Firefighters

Turns out that Bill O'Reilly's no friend to New York City police and firemen. He's a faux friend instead.

O'Reilly's a friend when it serves his political interest and when it helps him puff up his phony tough guy persona. But, as we've seen as the 9-11 first responder debate has unfolded in Congress and on Fox News this month, O'Reilly will abandon the cops and firefighters in order to provide cover for the Republican Party.

Sure, the right-wing millionaire host pretends to be a friend and champion of the working class. And especially, the host pretends to be a friend and champion of the New York City working class; of the cops and firefighters.

Over the years, O'Reilly, adopting his anti-elitism shtick, has droned on and on about his middle class Long Island upbringing outside New York City. And after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, did any Fox News host puff out his chest while pledging his allegiance to the Big Apple and the men and women who protect it, quite like O'Reilly did?

And yet.....

Now when his bothers and sisters in the NYPD and FDNY need a champion in the press as they desperately try to get passed historical legislation that would help them battle Sept. 11-related diseases, suddenly Best Buddy Bill O'Reilly is nowhere to be found. (Unlike colleague Shep Smith.) Suddenly proud Long Island native Bill O'Reilly doesn't want to talk about the Congressional fight over first responder health care.

Pretty ironic when you consider that probably one-third of the 9-11 first responder victims anxious for federal aid likely live where? Long Island. But native son Bill O'Reilly hasn't had much to say about controversy. Not only won't O'Reilly stand up for the locals and champion the legislation on behalf of working class cops, firefighters and emergcy workers who face life-and-death medical bills, but up until last night O'Reilly wouldn't even discuss the topic.

As best I can tell from searching Nexis and TVeyes, the story had been effectively banned from The O'Reilly Factor in recent days, even though it's been making headlines on a daily basis.

And what did O'Reilly finally have to say about the bill last night? He obediently read off RNC talking points and attacked Democrats for “demogoguing” on the issue. He blamed Democrats for not getting the bill passed when it enjoys nearly universal support among Democrats. And he parroted Republicans about how the bill might be a waste of money.

So here's my question: What is O'Reilly hiding? And why is he afraid to stand up to the Republican Party on behalf of first responders?

I guess tough guy O'Reilly isn't so tough after all.